朋友推荐,于是最近在看 Mining of Massive Datasets - Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman, Jeff Ullman,此书资源在官网可自由获取。

第一次尝试将笔记整理成 iPython notebook 形式,效果很棒!开始打算是将练习题尽量全做完的,但发现挺费时,后面主要是笔记整理为主,感兴趣的习题会尝试去解。


1 Data Mining

2 Map-Reduce and the New Software Stack

3 Finding Similar Items

4 Mining Data Streams

6 Frequent Itemsets

7 Clustering

8 Advertising on the Web

9 Recommendation Systems

10 Mining Social-Network Graphs

11 Dimensionality Reduction

12 Large-Scale Machine Learning
